First, let me thank the council members for taking the initiative to this meeting and to the briefers for their interesting interventions.
Norway is deeply concerned by the devastating levels of food insecurity and the risk of famine in the conflict affected areas of Yemen, South Sudan, Somalia, North East Nigeria and the Lake Chad region. These four food crisis are largely the result of conflict and of a situation where relief is being hindered by access constraints.
To address these challenges we need to step up our collective response through humanitarian assistance, preventive action, stabilization and political measures to end the suffering and pave the way for longer-term development to the benefit of the people.
So far this year, Norway has increased its support to these countries to about 80 million USD. A further increase is likely in the near future. - In addition, Norway is one of the largest contributors to the UN Central Emergency Response Fund, which plays a critical role in the response to the famine crisis.
The unprecedented level of humanitarian needs requires a stronger donor base, and it challenges all of us to explore new approaches. We support the Secretary-General’s efforts to reform the UN, strengthen international cooperation and promote partnerships that will deliver more sustainable solutions for the millions of people affected by humanitarian crisis.
Norway has increased its multi-year commitments. We see more multi-year financingand stronger links with between humanitarian and development actors as important to ensure greater predictability and a more efficient response in protracted crisis. - One example is the three-year pledge of both humanitarian and development funding for northeastern Nigeria and the Lake Chad region we made at the humanitarian conference in Oslo in February.
Thank you.