Excellencies, ladies and gentlemen, friends.
This year we have again seen devastating crises, climate shocks and conflicts. And according to the Global Humanitarian Overview for 2025 we must expect the humanitarian needs to continue to rise.
Food insecurity is rising, famine is looming and access to food is weaponized. The humanitarian space is under attack. And civilians bear the brunt of the burden.
Norway is committed to support principled humanitarian assistance. CERF is one of the main tools to reach those in need. It is a fund for all, by all, and I am encouraged to see contributions by states that are themselves affected by crisis.
Norway will continue to provide a high level of funding to CERF. Our core support of 450 million kroner a year is channeled through a multi-year agreement.
The humanitarian work requires an extra ordinary effort. Financially yes, but above all politically and through diplomacy. We must rally around international norms and rules and ensure respect for international humanitarian law.
Norway will continue to be bold and outspoken. We condemn violations of international law. Everywhere. Always.
Perpetrators must be held to account. Solutions must be found through dialogue. Those affected must be protected against violence and abuse.
This year Norway is chair of the OCHA Donor Support Group. Some of our main priorities are humanitarian access and diplomacy, protection and quality funding.
We will work with member states, with local and national partners, and with humanitarian and development organisations. Our aim is to increase quality funding for humanitarian response and to address the root causes of the unacceptable human suffering that we see.
Thank you