ECOSOC: Statement on Internal Displacement

Statement delivered by Deputy Permanent Representative Ambassador Andreas Løvold  at a meeting in ECOSOC on internally displaced persons on the 24th of June 2024.


Finding durable solutions to the many situations of internal displacement globally, is more important than ever.

National ownership and political leadership are key for finding solutions to situations of internal displacement.

Governments have the responsibility to protect its people, providing services, and ensuring inclusive development.

As most IDP situations take place in complex and challenging contexts, support from the international community remains necessary.

In many countries the Resident Coordinator, and the UN Country Team, play a crucial role in facilitating this support. We need the UN to work as one, through a joined-up response, and in partnership with other relevant actors.

The humanitarian response to internal displacement may lay the ground for solutions from the start.

But in the long run, to implement the SDGs, and leaving no one behind, the development actors must step up their efforts through an accelerated and enhanced engagement.

Finding solutions to protracted situations of internal displacement will often require scaled up, and long-term development support.

Development funding remains important to prevent situations of internal displacement. Building resilient communities and infrastructure is key to avoid situations where people are forced to flee from their homes in the first place. More needs to be done in this respect.

There is a long way to go, to reverse the worrying trend of a growing number of IDPs due to conflict, human rights violations, natural disasters, and climate change.



The challenges are enormous. But we cannot give up.

That is why Norway has contributed to the Internal Displacement Solution Fund.

The High-Level Panel, the SG’s Action Agenda, and the Special Adviser on Solutions, have created a positive momentum which must continue. And the Special Rapporteur on the Human Rights of IDPs continue to play a crucial role.

Across emergencies, several UN agencies are making an important operational effort in support of internally displaced persons.

It is vital that the UN ensure an enhanced system-wide, and integrated approach to internal displacement.

With strengthened efforts across the humanitarian, development and peace nexus, we remain hopeful that positive results will be achieved.

Thank you.