COP15: The Road to Kunming

Statement by Permanent Representative Mona Juul at the 'COP15: The Road to Kunming' webinar, 21 May 2021.

I would like to thank the People’s Republic of China, and appreciate all their efforts as incoming COP 15 President including hosting us today together with the CBD, and the FAO for this dialogue on the road to Kunming. We appreciate this update on what will be a very important meeting. And I would also like to thank Secretary-General Guterres, the President of the General Assembly and Executive Secretary Mrema for their opening remarks, and the distinguished briefers for their presentations.

Norway supports a strong, ambitious, and effective post 2020 Global Biodiversity Framework to be adopted in October 2021. Norway, together with more than 80 countries, have signed up to the Leaders Pledge for Nature.

And we have joined two ambitious initiatives: The Global Ocean Alliance- aiming for the protection of at least 30 percent of the global ocean by 2030; and the High Ambition Coalition for Nature and People- championing the goal of protecting at least 30 percent of the world’s land and ocean by 2030.

And we would like to take this opportunity to encourage all countries to join us in increasing global ambitions for nature.

Excellencies, colleagues,

From a Norwegian perspective it is crucial to strengthen the sustainable use dimension of the Convention on Biological Diversity. Setting aside areas where nature can thrive is essential. But this will not solve our problem entirely.

We also need a transformational agenda. The Secretary-General has requested us to be bold, and to present systemic changes in the way we produce and consume food. Biological diversity must also be part of these solutions. And I hope we will be able to build clear linkages between the upcoming Food Systems Summit and COP15 in China.


Science shows us that nature is crucial for climate mitigation. Nature based solutions are estimated to provide more than 30 percent of the climate change mitigation needed until 2030 to keep climate warming below 2°C. But, this only works if safe-guards for biodiversity are put in place.

It is therefore important to strengthen the mutual efforts between the Climate regime, the Convention on Biological Diversity, and encourage further cooperation with the actors preparing COP26.

Finally colleagues,

Reducing tropical deforestation may be the most important nature -based solution to fight climate change and preserve global biodiversity.

The LEAF Coalition is a significant step forward to ensure that ambitious tropical forest countries get the financial support they deserve when they reduce deforestation. This financing can help drive sustainable development.