First, thanks to Switzerland and Morocco for facilitating and convening this important meeting. We appreciate that the review of the human rights treaty body system is moving forward despite the challenging circumstances.
Norway sees the work of the treaty bodies as necessary and crucial for monitoring States’ compliance with their human rights obligations. We support all efforts to increase the efficiency, accessibility and impact of the treaty body system. We believe the measures outlined in resolution 68/268 are still relevant in this regard.
Despite the positive steps taken by the Secretary-General, OHCHR and the Treaty Bodies, we think more can be done in practical terms to fully implement the operational paragraphs in resolution 68/268. Our hope is that the review of the treaty bodies will result in concrete suggestions as to how this can be done, by whom and when.
Much of the substance is already in place, and the review should use this as a basis for its recommendations.
We welcome the continuation of this open and transparent consideration of the state of the UN human rights treaty body system. We appreciate that the Permanent Missions in Geneva were invited to participate today and at the technical consultations later on. Going forward, we wish to underline the importance of meaningful participation of civil society in this process.
Thank you!