UNGA: UN Global Compact

Statement by Prime Minister Erna Solberg at the UN Global Compact Leaders Summit Reception at MoMA, 24 September 2018.


Check against delivery

Thank you, Lise Kingo, and a warm welcome to all of you.

It is encouraging to see how the private sector has recently mobilised to help achieve the 17 Sustainable Development Goals.

Both governments and the private sector are increasingly recognising the significance of the ocean economy for achieving the SDGs.

We also know that we are dependent on clean and healthy oceans, and that all use of marine resources must be sustainable.

The oceans are under threat.

However, I am optimistic, and believe that through the High-level Panel on Building a Sustainable Ocean Economy, and in cooperation with the private sector and civil society, we will be able to turn challenges into opportunities.

We need to come together and find common solutions – to develop and implement comprehensive, effective regulation and an integrated ocean management regime.

It is inspiring for us in the Panel to observe the speed and determination of the private sector and science in translating the SDGs into action.

This is truly a test of our ability to deliver a healthier planet and oceans to the next generation.

In conclusion, I would like to challenge you to an ocean quiz in the Kahoot format, a platform developed by Norwegians that is now being used by 1.7 million teachers here in the US.

Perhaps you noticed the colourful screens by the entrance on your way in? 

I challenge you to take the quiz to find out whether you know more about the oceans than me – or the Crown Prince of Norway (or maybe the person standing next to you).

Thank you.