Mr. Vice-President,
Oversight, transparency and accountability for system-wide results:
- Norway agrees that the Operational Segment (OAS) of ECOSOC has to be strengthened as a forum for providing system-wide guidance and enhanced transparency and accountability of the UNDS to member states.
- We further agree to the need for a permanent forum to deal with issues related to the collaboration of the UNDS with other partners, both within the UN and beyond. One possibility, as recommended by the Secretary General, is to achieve this by extending the number of OAS meetings from one to two per year This discussion has, however, to be linked to the overall review of resolution 68/1, in order to ensure that the total number of ECOSOC meetings will not swell out.
- We find the recommendation to merge the Executive Boards of the New York-based funds and programmes interesting and look forward to further discussions. We would underline the need to address challenging issues like the content of common and agency-specific segments and the composition of a new board.
- We agree with the need for a common independent evaluation office in the UN. With the 2030 Agenda, we think it is even more important with a system-wide mandate that will complement the independent evaluation offices of the individual agencies.
- In this regard, we look forward to learn more about the plans to update the system-wide evaluation policy.
Partnership for the 2030 Agenda
- Norway welcomes the Secretary General’s strong emphasis on using the convening power of the UN for a substantial scale-up of the partnerships for the 2030 Agenda, as well as the recognition that increased transparency is needed around the broad range and types of partnerships in which different parts of the UNDS are engaged in.
- We look forward to learn more about the planned partnership strategy, including on how system-wide integrity, due diligence and risk management will be strengthened.
- Finally, we welcome the plan to deepen partnerships with the World Bank and other multilateral finance institutions, in particular the intention to finalize an agreement with the World Bank mid-2018.
Thank you