The adoption of the “veto-initiative”-resolution 76/262 was important, and a significant step in making the Council more transparent and accountable. The repeated use of the veto challenges the effectiveness of the Security Council, but the increased engagement of the General Assembly in matters of peace and security is in our view a bright spot. Maintaining peace is fundamental to all member states.
Norway is a staunch supporter of Palestine’s right to statehood. The two-state solution is the only way to achieve peace between Palestine and Israel and regional stability.
Norway has been clear that we are ready to support an application for membership in the United Nations for Palestine if the issue is brought before the General Assembly.
It is deeply unfortunate that a veto was cast on 18 April, and that the Security Council was unable to support, the Palestinian request for membership.
We will continue to work closely with partners in and outside the region for the purposes of realizing Palestinian statehood as expeditiously as possible.
Going forward, allow me to repeat Norway's firm position: Only a two-state solution can guarantee peace and security for both Israelis and Palestinians.
We will continue to work with partners, and exhaust all political avenues, to ensure the realisation of this much-needed settlement.