GA: Tenth Emergency Special Session - Palestine

Statement delivered by Permanent Representative Ambassador Merete Fjeld Brattested


Norway strongly supports the Palestinian peoples’ rights and aspirations of statehood, in accordance with international law. Palestinian statehood is a condition for the realisation of the two-state solution, in line with the UN partition plan of 1947. It is Norway’s long held conviction that a Palestinian state must comprise the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, and Gaza, and be based on the 1967 borders.

Norway has been clear that we are ready to support an application for full membership in the United Nations for Palestine when the issue is brought before the General Assembly. We believe that such a membership would increase the possibility to achieve a political settlement beneficial for both Israelis and Palestinians.

We underline that the formal procedure of admission to full membership in the United Nations, according to the UN Charter, will be effected by a decision of the General Assembly upon the recommendation of the Security Council.

By co-sponsoring and voting yes to the resolution on membership of the State of Palestine, we have reaffirmed our full support for a just, lasting and comprehensive peace in the Middle East, and underscored the importance of a much-needed settlement to this conflict. We recall the commitments made by the State of Palestine in this regard, including in its application for UN membership.

Although our affirmative vote in favor of this resolution does not prejudge our bilateral recognition of Palestine, an issue which we are actively considering, it is testimony to Norway’s strong and unequivocal commitment to the two-state solution. This entails a sovereign, democratic, contiguous and viable Palestinian State living side by side with the State of Israel, in peace within secure and recognized borders.


After more than 7 months of war, all eyes are now on Rafah. Norway remains deeply concerned about the recent escalation of hostilities in Rafah, which suggests a larger military operation may be imminent. We call on Israeli authorities to halt the operation. The more than 1 million who have sought refuge in Rafah have already fled multiple times from famine, death, and horror. They are now being told to move again, but no place in Gaza is safe. We stress the urgent need to ensure safe, rapid, unimpeded and sustained humanitarian access to all people in need in all of Gaza. And that all available crossings into Gaza remain open so that essential supplies, including aid and fuel, can enter Gaza.

We mourn with the Palestinians that have fallen victims to this war and their families that desperate are searching for safety and an end to this war. We mourn with Israeli victims, hostages and their families. This war has to stop.

Only a negotiated solution between the parties can bring lasting peace and security for both Palestinians and Israelis as well as the wider region. We appeal to both sides to build on Friday's decision in a constructive manner and urgently resume comprehensive and good faith negotiations.