GA: Informal plenary meeting: Internal Displacement

Statement delivered by Deputy Permanent Representative Ambassador Andreas Løvold


Today we face an unprecedented number of IDPs worldwide. Addressing their immediate needs is essential. But viewing protracted displacement crises solely as a humanitarian responsibility, is not sustainable.

For displaced persons to return to their homes or be integrated in host communities, they need comprehensive and long-term support to rebuild their lives.                 

For years, Norway has championed this approach. And as a firm supporter of the Secretary General’s Action Agenda on Internal Displacement, we seek to support durable solutions across our humanitarian and development efforts.

We commend Special Advisor Piper for your tireless efforts in seeking durable solutions for IDPs. We congratulate you with the progress and achievements made.

Your initiatives with governments and development actors, to create strategies, and to reorient development funds, must  continue. And they must be enhanced.   

Norway supports the Internal Displacement Solutions Fund.  We are encouraged by promising results in pilot countries. We applaud governments that actively enable durable solutions, through national plans and by allocating resources.

We expect the UN to strengthen system-wide efforts based on the Action Agenda and suggestions made by the Special Advisor.

At country level, the Resident Coordinator carries a particular responsibility to coordinate closely with states and the broader UN country team, to enable transformative action.

We welcome that this is now clearly mandated in the recently adopted QCPR-resolution.

As members states we need to continue to address this agenda in relevant UN fora. And we also need to continue engaging other development actors, including the World Bank.


As Chair of the OCHA Donor Support Group, Norway has invited Mr Piper to address the high-level meeting of the group next week to discuss the implications of his work for the humanitarian system. The review of the Inter-Agency Standing Committee, with the management response, is also an important building stone in this regard.

Let me end by reminding ourselves: to reduce displacement, conflicts must end. For peace to be sustainable, durable solutions for the displaced must be included in conflict prevention, resolution and peacebuilding - as we heard in the Peace Building Commission earlier today. Conflict-induced displacement must also be seen in connection with other drivers, such as climate change.

We need strong partnerships to take forward the impactful legacy of your work as Special Adviser. We must continue our shared commitment and strive for durable solutions to internal displacement.

Thank you.