The data and the statements we have been presented with today clearly shows that we are at an important crossroads if we are to succeed in financing development and achieve the SDGs.
Domestic revenue mobilization is at the heart of SDG funding. It is clear to us that we have to mobilize far larger sums than we have up until now.
Allow me to share some key Norwegian experiences. One is that involving women grows the economy. Another is that redistribution through tax is the basis for our long-term social progress.
We need to dramatically increase global tax revenues. Progressive taxation and universal access to social services are perhaps our most important tools for reducing inequality. Official development assistance must underpin national efforts. I’m proud to say that Norway remains among the top contributors of development aid, with 1,09 percent share of GNI allocated to sustainable development in 2023.
We look forward to contributing to the stocktaking exercise of the status of implementation of the Addis Ababa Action Agenda, including identifying where we have not met our goals.
The trust between north and south, between east and west, must be restored. We cannot do this if we – all of us - don’t clearly demonstrate our sincere commitment to a shared responsibility for sustainable development, overcoming geography and self-interest.
It starts at home, ensuring that we do our share in our own countries.
As we move towards Spain in 2025, Norway would like to contribute to a balanced approach where we raise the ambition on mobilizing resources, as well as on how we utilize the financial resources available more effectively. This is important when we know that approximately 5-7 % of global GDP is lost to corruption annually.
We must increase our efforts to stop illicit financial flows and tax evasion that siphon money away from sustainable development, and into tax havens and secrecy jurisdictions.
Norway has prioritized the Financing for Development-agenda for decades, and we will continue to do so. We are currently members of the Bureau of the PrepCom for FfD4 and the burau of the Ad Hoc Committee to Draft Terms of Reference for a United Nations Framework Convention on International Tax Cooperation.
My delegation stands ready to listen to all perspectives and to discuss with all stakeholders, to find commons solutions that can bring us forward.
The success of the next FfD conference will require proper preparations and a bold political vision. The only way to do that is by working together and strengthening the multilateral framework.
Thank you.