GA: Consultations of Chapeau and chapter 1 of the Pact: Sustainable Development and Financing

Joint statement delivered by Permanent Representative Ambassador Merete Fjeld Brattested on behalf of the N5: Finland, Denmark, Iceland, Sweden and Norway

I have the honor to deliver this statement on behalf of the Nordic Countries, Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Sweden, and my own country Norway.

We would like to highlight the following three points:

First, the Chapeau should clearly reaffirm that the three pillars of the United Nations – development, peace and security, and human rights – are interlinked and mutually reinforcing. The unique role and legitimacy of the United Nations and the existential importance of an effective multilateral order based on the UN Charter need to be emphasized. 

The Summit of the Future and the Pact must accelerate the outcome of the SDG summit political declaration, towards 2030 and beyond. The Pact should therefore concretely re-affirm our commitment to achieving the 2030-agenda, by safeguarding sustainable development for all: politically, financially and institutionally. It must help rebuild trust within and between countries, as well as ensuring meaningful and inclusive partnerships.

Second, the Pact should demonstrate a strong commitment to the universality and indivisibility of all human rights by mainstreaming a human rights-based approach. This is essential in order to achieve peaceful societies and sustainable development, which leaves no one behind.

The international community cannot resolve today’s global challenges without the full, equal, and meaningful participation of women. We will not reach our 2030 ambitions without women’s economic empowerment. All evidence confirms that women’s economic and political participation is fundamental to economic growth, sustainable development, and prosperous, peaceful societies.

The importance of strengthening gender equality must therefore be underlined in the Chapeau and should be mainstreamed throughout all chapters of the Pact.

Third, and with respect to the Chapter 1): Sustainable financing is key to achieving the 2030 Agenda, yet, financing for development is under pressure.

There is an urgent need to address financial deficits and gaps – which have increased due to the multiple global crises the world has faced in recent years.

The reform of the international financial architecture is therefore high on the agenda, and it must include the Multilateral Development Banks and the International Financing Institutions themselves. There is an evolving consensus that these need to be transformed. Proposals in reports such as that of the High-Level Advisory Board on Effective Multilateralism and the SDG-stimulus offer ideas and suggestions for the way forward.  

We should heed the call of the Secretary-General to promote a responsible and accountable global financial system.

We must maximize the resources at our disposal and direct them towards sustainable development. Domestic resource mobilization as well as innovative financing solutions, greater interplay between private investments, trade and international development cooperation are therefore integral parts of that joint effort.

We must also continue combating illicit financial flows which siphon enormous resources away from developing countries. It locks people and countries in poverty, and it erodes transparency and trust. 

Developed countries also need to continue scaling up climate finance to ensure that the USD 100 billion commitment is met as soon as possible and to double adaptation finance by 2025.



The difference between success and failure ultimately hinges on collaborative efforts in the multilateral system. As Member States of this indispensable institution, we must grasp this opportunity. We must raise the level of ambition.

We look forward to continuing these discussions to achieve a concrete and ambitious Pact for the Future. To build greater trust, and reduce some of the most acute global risks facing us and our institutions, today.

I thank you.