5C: Opening Statement

Statement by Permanent Representative Ambassador Merete Fjeld Brattested in the General Debate of The Fifth Committee.


I heartily welcome your Excellency Mr. Osama Abdelkhalek as chair of the 78th Session of the Fifth Committee. We would also like to congratulate all newly elected members of the Bureau working with you. Norway looks forward to supporting you in your capacity as Chair of this very important committee.

Allow me also to extend our gratefulness for the work of the Secretariat of the Committee, as well as that of other Secretariat officials and of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions (ACABQ).



The world faces a complex set of crises. The response requires commitment to an inclusive, resilient and transformative multilateralism. The United Nations remains the most important arena for international cooperation. All our nations benefit when we seek common solutions to the global challenges that we all face. The work done in the fifth committee is of key importance, as it provides the UN with the tools needed to strengthen and improve the organization. Norway is convinced that we, as UN member states, can work together and find compromises and acceptable ways ahead. This is the foundation of multilateral cooperation, and the backbone of the fifth committee.

When going forward, we must ensure that vital tasks of the United Nations are sufficiently funded by our core budgets. In our view, this applies to areas such as the resident coordinator system, peacebuilding, the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights and related activities, and The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East - or UNRWA. These have all been hampered by persistent under-funding and over-reliance on voluntary contributions.

Norway is a strong supporter of the Secretary-General’s reform agenda. The agenda not only ensures better processes in the UN, but also acts as a catalyst for better mandate delivery in the field. The three pillars of the United Nations are closely interconnected and require a nexus approach. They are all crucial for reaching the goal of leaving no one behind. 



Norway commend those countries that have paid their assessed contributions in full and on time. And call upon all other Member States to pay their outstanding contributions as soon as possible.


Finally Chair,

The core value of the Fifth Committee is to work tirelessly towards consensus, even on matters where our positions might differ. Despite this session’s busy agenda, we remain confident that we can conclude our negotiations in a timely manner. This will require us all to seek compromise and find consensus together, and to continue to negotiate in good faith. Norway remains committed to engage on this basis.

Thank you!