3C: Human Rights

Statement by Deputy Permanent Representative Ambassador Andreas Løvold on the agenda item Human Rights.


Lack of democracy, lack of respect for the rights of the individual, are very much at the origin of many of the crises that unfold before us.

The response to democratic aspirations has often been violence, a crackdown on civil society. 

We see the devastating consequences every day – as millions flee to escape unbearable situations. Lack of security, rise of extremism and the shrinking space for civil society are some of the most pressing concerns the international community must address.


This year marks the 75th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Its fundamental notion is that ‘All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights.’

We have achieved a great deal over the past 75 years. We must intensify our efforts to protect these gains. To continue to advance the promotion and protection of human rights.

The fulfilment of human rights is not only an obligation of States, it is an investment in conflict prevention, and in building prosperous societies.

To realize the SDGs, all human rights obligations must be implemented in tandem.

This applies equally to economic, social, and cultural rights, as well as civil and political rights.

They are indivisible, interrelated and mutually reinforcing.


Human rights defenders continue to be essential in promoting and protecting all human rights for all. Including gender equality and women’s rights.

Progress made since 1948 is in large part thanks to them. The hard work of civil society, activists, journalists, artists, lawyers, students and academics, doctors, and teachers.

They must not be silenced. They must be included and supported. At home and in the United Nations. This was a priority for Norway on the Security Council.

This session our main priority is the biennial resolution on the promotion and protection of human rights defenders.

25 years ago, the Human Rights Commission and the General Assembly united around the Declaration on Human Rights Defenders

We look forward to working closely and constructively with all Member States. And maintaining a focus on implementation, as violations against defenders are on the rise.


Norway will continue to stand up for human rights and fundamental freedoms. Economic, social, and cultural as well as civil and political rights.

For everyone. Everywhere.

We will remain a strong supporter of the rights of women and girls. Including their right to decide over their own bodies.

Safeguarding human rights is crucial to ensuring inclusive and sustainable development. And in times of conflict and war, it is crucial for achieving just and lasting peace.

Thank you.