1C: Nuclear Weapons

Statement by Special Representative for Disarmament Jørn Osmundsen in the thematic debate on nuclear weapons


We meet again in this Committee under grave circumstances. Norway condemns Russia’s ongoing illegal and unprovoked war in Ukraine, and its nuclear rhetoric which is inadmissible. Statements about withdrawing the CTBT ratification only adds to this and are deeply worrying.

The plans to station tactical nuclear weapons in Belarus creates additional risks and instability. A comparison to NATO nuclear sharing is misleading. NATO complies with all international agreements.

Russia’s actions represent a direct threat to international security and stability. Dialogue and communication are crucial, especially in times of crises. We therefore call on Russia to resume implementation of the New START Treaty.  We further call on Russia and China to engage in a substantial strategic dialogue, including on risk reduction, with the aim of cuts in all categories of nuclear weapons.


NPT is the cornerstone for nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation. Norway was disappointed that the working group in July could not agree on recommendations or a report. However, we were encouraged by the active discussion. We especially highlight the importance of taking forward work on transparency and accountability to the next PrepCom. We were also encouraged to see that the overwhelming majority of state parties showed clear commitment to strengthen the Treaty and ensure its effectiveness and efficiency.

Nuclear Disarmament Verification remains a key priority for Norway, as demonstrated by the Norwegian chairmanship of the UN GGE on this topic.. We were pleased that the GGE was able to reach consensus on a substantial report to the UNGA. We hope for all member states’ support for the resolution on NDV (L 31).

We continue our active participation in the International Partnership for Nuclear Disarmament Verification (IPNDV) and the Quad Nuclear Verification Partnership, focusing on technical and scientific work.  We will also continue work on nuclear disarmament and irreversibility, and invite all interested states to participate in this dialogue.

The humanitarian perspective should motivate us to intensify our efforts for nuclear disarmament, as it clearly shows the devasting consequences for people and the environment of any use of nuclear weapons. We approach this work on a factual basis.


The Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban-Treaty (CTBT) is of crucial importance to nuclear disarmament. Norway together with Panama oversaw the CTBT Article XIV conference this year. Upholding the moratorium on nuclear testing while working towards the entry into force of the CTBT is a high priority for Norway.

Norway welcomes this year’s ratification of the CTBT by Sri Lanka and the Solomon Islands, and the signing by Somalia.  Norway urges all states, especially Annex II states, to sign and ratify the Treaty without delay.    

Progress must also be made on the negotiation and conclusion of a verifiable Fissile Material Cut-off Treaty (FMCT). A solution would need to address existing stocks.


The IAEA safeguards system is an indispensable component of the International nuclear non-proliferation regime, and Norway underlines that the Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement together with the Additional Protocol constitute the current verification standard under the NPT. We call for their universalisation without delay.

The Russian occupation of the Zaporizjzja nuclear power facility and the military activity in the area could lead to a nuclear incident with potential catastrophic global consequences. Norway commends the IAEA’s efforts to ensure nuclear safety and security in Ukraine. We have recently allocated almost 23 million USD for nuclear security in Ukraine, of which 9 million USD is directed to the IAEA support and assistance missions.

Thank you.