The statement was delivered by Minister of Justice and Public Security Emilie Enger Mehl.
President, excellencies and distinguished delegates,
We are here today to accelerate disaster risk reduction efforts and build resilient societies. This calls for united efforts and strengthened partnerships. The Political Declaration is important to reach this goal. I want to thank Australia and Indonesia for their great leadership and facilitation of a consensual outcome.
On a national level, Norway has always been exposed to a variety of natural hazards. Extreme weather, floods and landslides have created great damages. Our concern is the increase in both occurrence and impact.
Norwegian municipalities have improved their way of working on disaster risk reduction. 99 per cent of all municipalities conduct regular comprehensive risk and vulnerability assessments. Useful lessons from the Midterm Review of the Sendai Framework will be included in the Government’s coming white paper on public security and action plan on adaptation to a changing climate.
Going forward, private sector will play a key role. In Norway, 90 per cent of critical infrastructure is privately owned. I am convinced that we must continue to encourage and seek new areas and ways for cooperating with the private sector.
On an international level, climate is a priority for Norway. We will double our climate finance towards 2026 and within this triple the support for adaptation and building resilience. We see climate adaptation and disaster risk reduction as key for reaching the sustainable development goals. The work under the SDGs, the Paris Agreement and the Sendai Framework must be coordinated and integrated to improve resilience.
Disaster displacement is an increasing challenge. We need to invest in disaster risk reduction, assess potential disaster displacement and prepare for human mobility in a way that minimizes associated risks.
I would like to emphasize the importance of ensuring a gender perspective and a rights-based approach in all our efforts. Stakeholders’ participation and a whole-of-society approach are crucial for achieving the Sendai targets.
As one of the co-chairs Norway aligns itself with the statement which will be presented by my Peruvian colleague on behalf of the Group of Friends for Disaster Risk Reduction.
To conclude I would like to express my gratitude to the SRSG and UNDRR for the great work you are doing to advance the implementation of the Sendai Framework.
Thank you.