GA: National Statement to COSP16 CRPD

Statement by State Secretary Gry Haugsbakken in the General Debate of the 16th Session of the Conference of States Parties to the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, 13 June 2023.


Knowledge of CRPD is crucial.

A human-rights based understanding of disability is key in our work on disability issues.

The Norwegian government is working on increasing the knowledge of CRPD across different governing bodies. As of 2023 all county governors are tasked with educating and aiding the implementation of CRPD.

We have to look outside our national borders.

In our efforts to achieve the goals of Agenda 2030, we must increase the level of ambition to ensure that no one is left behind. Norway is committed to work for the rights of persons with disabilities through our development cooperation in line with the ambitions in our strategy for disability-inclusive development.

We have a twin track approach, where targeted measures are combined with increased mainstreaming across all sectors in our development cooperation.

Mainstreaming is the key.

People with disabilities need to be represented in national and international fora on important topics such as climate and security.  We must ensure that those most impacted by climate change, such as persons with disabilities, are represented in decision-making and able to benefit from new opportunities that may arise in the transition towards green economies.

Digital exclusion has a high cost.

Accessibility is a prerequisite for equality and the ability to act independently in society.

Digital solutions can be a great tool for inclusion and equal participation.

If they are universally designed.

Thus, the solutions we create, or finance, must be designed according to the principles of universal design.

Everyone needs to be included.

Norway is committed to reach the under-represented groups of persons with disabilities.

Persons with disabilities often face stereotypes and denial regarding their sexuality. They experience barriers to care, services, education and information about SRHR and gender based violence. Information and health services should be accessible for all and disability friendly.

All societies need all its resources.

And all humans should have the opportunity to reach their full potential.

Therefore, the Norwegian government's vision is a society where everyone can participate!

Thank You.