Support to UNRWA

Statement by Deputy Permanent Representative Odd-Inge Kvalheim in the General Assembly Ad Hoc Committee for the Announcement of Voluntary Contributions to UNRWA, 23 June 2022.

UNRWA plays a key role in ensuring that the needs and rights of Palestine refugees are met. The agency’s continued ability to serve this function remains crucial. Norway is deeply concerned about the persistent budgetary shortfalls.

UNRWAs recurrent budget crises are having a detrimental effect both on the agency itself, as well as  causing great stress on the Palestine refugees who are dependent on UNRWAs support.  

For our part, Norway disbursed our annual funding of 28 million USD, as part of a new 4-year agreement for 111 million USD to UNRWA. This is a substantial increase from previous years. And we are pleased to have made this a multi-year agreement as announced at the Brussels conference last fall.

We have also combined our humanitarian and core funding in one agreement, allowing for greater flexibility for UNRWA and would encourage other donors to do likewise.

We call for increased funding for UNRWA, and today we especially encourage donors who have not yet come forward to consider supporting this key institution.

The coming autumn will be a crucial moment, both in terms of the resource situation in the region, and also politically as we renew UNRWA’s mandate in the General assembly and adopt the next medium-term strategy for the agency.

Norway will remain actively engaged and supportive in these processes, and we look forward to working with all towards supporting this vital institution and their assistance to Palestine refugees, until a just and lasting solution is reached.