Distinguished Delegates,
We have now reached the end of our joint meeting.
I would like to sincerely thank Member States who engaged in the discussion, as well as our panellists for their very insightful interventions.
Our panellists have done a remarkable job in shedding light on the concept of natural-based solutions. And how these can be better applied to overcome complex challenges, and accelerate the implementation of the 2030 Agenda.
We heard how nature-based solutions embrace nature conservation norms and principles. And that they can be implemented alone, or in an integrated manner.
Discussions, also highlighted that nature-based solutions maintain biological and cultural diversity, along with the ability of ecosystems to evolve over time.
While of course also recognising, and addressing, the trade-offs that exist.
Distinguished delegates,
In my view, the clear message from today’s meeting is that nature-based solutions can offer concrete answers to problems plaguing our world.
They should be considered complementary to – not incompatible with – technological solutions.
I would like to close by urging you to consider embracing them in your own national contexts and environments.
Thank you.