The Covid pandemic is undoubtably one of the greatest global challenges in recent history. It revealed serious weaknesses in the world’s preparedness, prevention, and response to health emergencies.
In addition, it has revealed enormous inequities in our world. The world needs a better way to meet global health crises as this one going forward. We need to move from ad-hoc solutions to sustainable strategies for the long term.
That’s why Norway on behalf of the Core Group of the Global Health and Foreign Policy Initiative together with Brazil, France, Indonesia, Senegal, South Africa, and Thailand proposed a resolution which aimed to elevate pandemic prevention, preparedness, and response to the highest level of political leadership.
Wednesday afternoon it was clear; the resolution was adopted by consensus by all UN member states. It was co-sponsored by 77 UN member states, which underscores its important call for global and multilateral collaboration.
The statement of the Norwegian Ambassador to the UN, Ms. Mona Juul can be read here.