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Norway leads negotiations on Contingent-Owned Equipment

When military and police personnel participate in UN Peacekeeping Operations, they bring a lot of equipment essential to the mission mandate. For two weeks, Norway was vice-chair for the Working Group on the terms for the equipment.

Three Norwegian experts from the Norwegian Armed Forces are currently negotiating the terms together with 350 delegates from more than 70 countries in the UN Headquarters in New York.

The negotiations last for two weeks, and are directed by representatives from selected Member States. This year the Norwegian Major Kjetil Andreas Andersen is designated Vice-Chair for the Working Group.

Examples of military and police equipment are transport aircrafts, vehicles, weapons, medical equipment and power generators. The expenses associated with the equipment are reimbursed by the UN according to agreed rates. The rates are regulated in a document called the Contigent Owned Equipment Manual (COE). The manual is revised every third year by a working group composed of representatives from the UN Member States. The final and agreed proposal of the Working Group is presented to the General Assembly for endorsement.


Norwegian Major Kjetil Andreas Andersen as Vice-Chair for the Working Group on Contigent Owned Equipment. (Photo: NorwayUN/Jan Lunaas)