February 8, 2017: Norway presented its priorities for the first half of 2017 at the first EFTA Council meeting of the year.
Special emphasis will be given to following developments closely between the United Kingdom and the European Union, with the assistance of the EFTA Secretariat, with a view to maintaining close economic and trade relations with the United Kingdom.
Continue updating the EFTA Convention in light of the evolving needs of the EFTA States and further developing Member States' common basis for future free trade negotiations are priorities as regards relations amongst EFTA countries.
Concerning third-country relations, priorities include the ongoing negotiations of free trade agreements with India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Vietnam and Ecuador, and the management and development of existing free trade agreements. Prospective partners and other activities are also outlined in the paper presented by the Chair.
For more information on the priorities of the Norwegian Chair, please see http://www.efta.int/sites/default/files/documents/about-efta/chairmanship/EFTA-Council-Priorities-of-the-Norwegian-Chair-first-half-2017.pdf