- Mr Guy Ryder, ILO Director-General
- Ms Anniken Hauglie, Minister of Labour and Social Affairs
- Ms Kristin Skogen Lund, Confederation of Norwegian Enterprise
- Mr Hans-Christian Gabrielsen, Norwegian Confederation
- of Trade Unions
- Chair: Mr Youcef Ghellab, Head Social Dialogue and
- Tripartism Unit, Governance and Tripartism Department, ILO.
The discussion will highlight, among other issues:
- the Norwegian Sustainability Pact, launched in January 2016;
- recent tripartite initiatives such as the Fast Track into the labour
market for migrant workers, refugees, and other vulnerable groups,
including measures to reduce employers' costs and risks, and to
enhance the skills of workers;
- a new social contract with regard to apprenticeships including
measures to establish local networks for recruiting companies and
acquire more learning places at the county and municipality levels.
The recurrent item discussion at this year's ILC focuses on the global challenges and opportunities for the full realization of the ILO's fundamental principles and rights at work. Social dialogue is a key vehicle for the achievement of these rights for all but, as the report recognizes, recent years have seen mounting pressures on the processes and institutions that support social dialogue and tripartism in all corners of the world.
This information session will present the Norwegian experience in using social dialogue and tripartism to achieve better social and economic outcomes, over a period spanning almost 100 years. Tripartite social dialogue has proved its worth in solving problems and providing creative answers to tough questions facing the country which, even if they are not perfect for everybody, are acceptable to all, are fair and enhance democratic legitimacy. The panelists will share their past experiences and future perspectives on the role of social dialogue in a constantly changing world of work. They will also
explain how it is important for tripartite constituents to constantly renew their commitment to the pr inciples of tripartism and social dialogue and to working together in order to preserve the Norwegian social model based on high employment, high living standards and
strong enterprises.