This event, organized by UN Women in partnership with the Permanent Missions of Finland, Australia, and Norway, brings together young women leaders from different countries. In a Ted-like storytelling event, the young leaders share how they have overcome the barriers of gender and age discrimination and negotiate peace.
The presentations will be followed by a commentary from other contexts, including the Member State co-hosts and representatives who reflect what the international community can do to support young women and men in advancing peace and security.
Note: All participants and speakers who do not have a valid UNOG grounds pass must register via the UNOG registration system (INDICO). New users can create an account at, and those with accounts can log in. They must then register for a badge to the Palais Des Nations at, and will receive a single badge valid from 7 to 9 November 2018 that allows them to attend all events of Geneva Peace Week 2018 without further additional registration. Badges can be picked up from 8 a.m. on 7 November 2018 onwards at the Pregny Gate of the Palais des Nations. Participants will be required to bring a photo ID along with the INDICO confirmation of registration.
Sponsors: UN Women Humanitarian Action and Crisis Response, Geneva Office; Permanent Missions of Finland, Australia, and Norway
- Contact person: Raidan Al Saqqaf raidan.alsaqqaf[at]