Combating Marine Litter and Microplastics

Combating Marine Litter and Microplastics

Marine plastic litter and microplastics is a serious and rapidly growing issue of global concern which requires an urgent and global response, involving all relevant actors at all levels.

Marine plastic litter and microplastics is a serious and
rapidly growing issue of global concern which requires an
urgent and global response, involving all relevant actors at
all levels.
The Ad Hoc Open-Ended Expert Group on Marine Litter
and Microplastics, met in Nairobi from 29 to 31 May and in
Geneva from 3 to 7 December 2018, in accordance with
resolution UNEP/EA.3/Res.7, on marine litter and
microplastics, adopted by the United Nations Environment
Assembly at its third session, in December 2017. The
options discussed at these meetings will be presented to
the UN Environment Assembly at its fourth Session in
March 2019.
Experts called for the need for stronger global action to
combat marine litter. A number of initiatives and activities
exist aiming at eliminating plastic litter entering the ocean
and their potential should be explored within their
respective mandates. Meanwhile, there was a growing
recognition for a new governance model to be explored.
Some delegations pointed to a new legally binding
agreement as one possible effective response to be
considered. Strengthening waste management systems
has been underlined by UNEA as key in solving this issue.
Norway has put forward a proposal for a draft resolution
on stronger global governance. Other countries have also
put forward resolutions.
Regardless of the outcomes of the upcoming Assembly,
the Expert Group acknowledged the need to continue
progress on urgent national and regional activities in the
near term to curb plastic litter entering into the oceanrecognizing the options and priorities outlined by the
second and third sessions of the UN Environment
You are cordially invited to attend a dialogue on
governance options to be considered at the 4th session of
the UN Environment Assembly, taking place at the Palais
des Nations, Room XXIV, Thursday 14 February, 2.30pm.

Welcome and Introduction
H.E. Amb. Hans BRATTSKAR, Permanent Representative
of Norway to the United Nations Office and other
international organizations in Geneva

Edwige KOUMBY MISSAMBO, Chargé d'affaires a.i.,
Permanent mission of Gabon to the United Nations Office
and other international organizations in Switzerland

François GAVE , Deputy Permanent Representative of
France to the United Nations Office and other
international organizations in Switzerland
Towards a new global governance model

Christine HAFFNER-SIFAKIS, Strategic Policy &
Programme Officer, UN Environment

Rolph PAYET, Executive Secretary, Basel, Rotterdam and
Stockholm Conventions

Inger ANDERSEN, Director General, IUCN

Brendan EDGERTON, Director, Circular Economy, WBCSD

Moustapha Kamal GUEYE, Coordinator, Green Jobs
Programme, International Labour Organization


Palais des Nations – Room XXIV, Geneva - 14. Feb 2019, 14:30 - 16:00
High Level Dialogue
More information