AidEx 2024

AidEx 2024

Interested in AidEx 2024? This year’s event centres around “revitalising humanitarian assistance – how do we deliver better aid in conflict-affected hot-spots”.

Norwegian engagement at AidEx 2024 includes:

Palexpo: Norwegian companies will be present throughout AidEx 2024 as part of a larger Nordic area at Palexpo. Companies with stands include ASAP Norway, Bright Products, Hall-gruppen and Norlense.

Procurement workshop: Innovation Norway organizes a workshop 22 October on “procurement for change”, to explore concrete actions we can take to increase the uptake of innovative and sustainable solutions in the humanitarian sector. More details and sign-up here: Procurement for Change (

Nordic networking reception: Together with Nordic partners, the Norway organizes a networking reception on 22 October, bringing together Nordic companies and key Geneva based partners. Please contact for details.

AidEx gathers aid, relief and international development professionals under one roof to explore the latest innovations, meet new suppliers and build meaningful relationships. Geneva is home to a vast humanitarian ecosystem and serves as headquarters to several UN agencies and other international organisations and NGOs.

For more information related to Norwegian participation and events, please contact Lena Eskeland, Permanent Mission of Norway:

(Photo credit: V-P-UA-E-01188 / ICRC / V.LOBANSKA)

PALEXPO Hall 4, Rte François-Peyrot 30,
1218 Le Grand-Saconnex, Switzerland
The world’s leading humanitarian aid and disaster relief event - AidEx - features high-level conference sessions, workshops, discussion groups and training programmes geared to solving the challenges in aid and relief.
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