Permanent Mission of Norway in Geneva - Photo:Priya Miriam Lerberg
WHA77, Cathrine Marie Lofthus (HOD). Priya Miriam Lerberg

Norway’s statement at the 77th Session of the World Health Assembly Tuesday 28 May 2024.

Investing in health is investing in our women, our children, our societies, and our common future. Making this investment is our responsibility as political leaders - only then can achieve “All for Health and Health for All”.

Delivered by Ms Cathrine M. Lofthus, Secretary General, Ministry of Health and Care Services. Check against delivery.

President, Director General, Excellencies, Colleagues,

  • (First let me thank the Director General and WHO staff for your tireless efforts to promote, provide and protect health for all.)
  • Colleagues,
  • The world’s eyes are upon this Health Assembly. It is our joint responsibility to find common and more equitable solutions to the shared risk of devastating pandemics.
  • Significant progress has been made. Important commitments are within reach. But there are still substantive differences that need to be overcome.
  • We must agree on an orderly process towards a successful finalization of the pandemic agreement and the targeted amendments of the International Health Regulations (IHR).
  • This assembly will also adopt the new general program of work that clearly puts WHO at the centre of global health architecture.
  • A strong and effective WHO requires trust, accountability, transparency – and sustainable financing. As an incoming board-member, we will work to this end. Norway also remains strongly committed to the success of the Investment Round and to finalize the increase of the assessed contributions.
  • WHOs work is increasingly challenged by external threats, such as climate change, antimicrobial resistance, and a growing number of crises and emergencies.
  • Norway acknowledges the important role WHO plays responding to health needs in complex and challenging humanitarian crises.
  • The war in Gaza has led to tremendous destruction, suffering and death. We have been witnessing a rapidly collapsing health system, attacks on health facilities and medical personnel.
  • We have repeatedly called for ceasefire and for the parties to comply with international humanitarian law, protecting civilians, humanitarian personnel, health workers and health facilities.
  • We underline the extreme urgency of providing safe space and adequate medical supplies and healthcare.
  • Russia’s invasion of Ukraine continues with grave consequences for the health of Ukrainian citizens and civilian infrastructure, including health facilities.
  • Norway condemns Russia’s aggression against Ukraine in the strongest terms. 
  • Dear colleagues, the right to health cannot be achieved without universal health coverage - underpinned by accessible, robust, and sustainably financed health systems - with a focus on primary health care.
  • Ensuring access to preventative and integrated services, including sexual and reproductive health and rights, is essential.
  • Investing in health is investing in our women, our children, our societies, and our common future.
  • Making this investment is our responsibility as political leaders -
    only then can achieve “All for Health and Health for All”.
  • Thank you.