Recommendations to Egypt (28.01.2025)


Statement Norway
on the on the human rights situation in Egypt,
delivered by Mr Tormod C. ENDRESEN Ambassador - Permanent Representative to the UN and other International Organizations.



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28 January 2025

Thank you Vice President,

Norway notes Egypt’s National Human Rights Strategy and encourage its effective implementation. We commend progress on women’s and social rights. We do remain concerned about the situation for human rights defenders, journalists and the media.

Norway recommends that Egypt:

1. Imposes a moratorium on the death penalty with a view to abolish it.

2. Ensures freedom of expression online and offline, freedom of association and assembly, including by allowing peaceful protests.

3. Ensures the rule of law and the protection of all citizens against torture, inhumane, or degrading treatment or punishment.

4. Continues strengthening women’s rights by improving reproductive health services and addressing gender-based violence.

5. Ensures the adequate protection of human rights defenders, including refraining from arrests under anti-terrorist legislation.

Thank you.