Statement Norway
on the on the human rights situation in Kazakhstan,
delivered by Mr Tormod C. ENDRESEN Ambassador - Permanent Representative to the UN and other International Organizations.
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23 January 2025
Thank you Mr Vice President,
Norway welcomes the delegation of Kazakhstan and thanks it for its report. We will like to congratulate you on your successful tenure on the Council that just ended. We welcome the positive steps taken to address the persecution of perpetrators of torture in police custody and prisons. However, several concerns remain.
Norway recommends that Kazakhstan:
1. Protects the right to freedom of expression and assembly, and immediately ends intimidation, harassment and detainment of human rights defenders, journalists and civil society representatives.
2. Conducts an independent investigation of the uprising in January 2022 and frees political prisoners.
3. Abolishes legislation and regulations that restrict foreign funding of NGOs.
4. Fully enforces its legislation against domestic violence and adopts anti-discriminatory legislation prohibiting discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity.
I thank you.