Recommendations to El Salvador (20.01.2025)


Statement Norway
on the human rights situation in El Salvador,

delivered by Ms. Sigrun S. HOLTER, First Secretary,
Permanent Mission of Norway in Geneva.


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20 January 2025

Norway thanks the delegation of El Salvador for its report and acknowledges improvements in the security situation of the Salvadoran people. However, we remain concerned about the human rights situation and the negative impact of the state of emergency.

Norway recommends that El Salvador:

1. Ensures an open and safe civic space, by guaranteeing freedom of speech and association, combating stigmatization against journalists and human rights defenders.

2. Takes the necessary [legal and policy] actions to [avoid arbitrary detention and] ensure(s) [due process and] that prison conditions are in line with the UN Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners (The Nelson Mandela Rules), [including family access to prisons], and facilitate social reintegration.

3. Ensures sexual and reproductive health and rights by decriminalizing abortion and continues to prevent adolescent pregnancies.

Thank you.