Statement Norway
on the human rights situation in Angola,
delivered by Mr. Martin TORBERGSEN, Minister Counsellor,
The Permanent Mission of Norway in Geneva.
Check against delivery
23 January 2025
We thank the delegation of Angola for the presentation of its national report. Norway commends Angola for adopting a national human rights strategy and for joining the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative. However, some concern remains.
Norway recommends that Angola:
1.Respects the right to freedom of expression, association and peaceful assembly and protects those exercising these rights from physical attacks, harassment and intimidation by police and security forces, and ensure robust measures to combat impunity.
2. Creates a safe and enabling environment for civil society and removes legislative and administrative barriers to its financing and operations in accordance with its international obligations/ICCPR and the Angolan Constitution.
3.Ensures access to independent media nationwide, including by reducing the cost of broadcasting licenses.
4. Fulfil its commitments to eliminate all forms of violence against women and girls and harmful practices within the scope of the Maputo Protocol.
5.Develop a multisectoral national plan to prevents discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity and promotes equitable access to all health services for LGBT+ persons.
We wish Angola a successful review, thank you