STATEMENT 41st UPR Session of the Human Rights Council on the human rights situation in Brazil, as delivered by Ms Sigrun Stigen HOLTER First Secretary, Human Rights.
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14 November 2022
Norway welcomes Brazil’s participation in the UPR process.
Norway recommends that Brazil:
1) completes pending land demarcation processes, rejects the 'marco temporal' [time limit] thesis and takes concrete measures to ensure that indigenous peoples are protected from threats, attacks and forced evictions;
2) respects indigenous peoples' right to free, prior, and informed consent by establishing formal and inclusive procedures when bills and amendments are drafted;
3) strengthens the legal framework of the National Protection Programme for Human Rights Defenders, Communicators, and Environmentalists including by institutionalising the programme through law, and by increasing civil society participation;
4) ensures a rights-based approach by law enforcement agents towards the LGBTIQ population including by creating police protocols that specifically address violence against the LGBTIQ [population];
5) takes action to ensure access to sexual and reproductive health and rights for all, decriminalizes abortion and introduces legislation to provide access to safe abortion.
Thank you.