Recommendation to Finland


41th UPR Session of the Human Rights Council on the human rights situation in Finland, as delivered by Ambassador Tine Mørch Smith,Permanent Representative of Norway in Geneva.


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9 November 2022


Norway notes the important progress Finland has made towards further ensuring protection of human rights by, [among other things], establishing human rights monitoring programmes, and establishing the Truth and Reconciliation Commission to investigate the injustices committed towards the Sámi people.

Norway recommends that Finland:

1)      continues its efforts to combat domestic violence, including providing support to victims of gender-based and honour-based violence, and enhances competence in preventing and supporting victims of female genital mutilation;

2)      follows up on the recommendations of the UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination and the UN Human Rights Committee to renew the Sámi Act in dialogue with the Sámi people and in accordance with the right of indigenous peoples to self-determination;

3)      engages the Sámi people in the ratification process of the ILO Indigenous and Tribal Peoples Convention, 1989 [No. 169].

Thank you.