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Norway notes positive steps taken since its last review, including the reduction of the number of capital punishments. Norway also welcomes the progress on securing education and health care for Afghan nationals in Iran.
Norway urges Iran to improve the human rights situation in accordance with international standards and Iran’s own commitments.
Norway recommends that Iran:
1) Abolish the death penalty, and stop planned executions for persons who committed crimes before the age of 18.
2) Ensure the freedom of religion and belief for religious minorities such as the Bahai’s and Christian converts, by adopting concrete measures to eliminate discrimination and enhance protection.
3) Create a safe and enabling environment for civil society and human rights defenders, especially women human rights defenders.
4) Ensure the rights of detainees and prisoners, and their right to receive satisfactory medical treatment.
5) Cease the censorship of the media, as well as the arbitrary detention and intimidation of journalists in order to ensure freedom of expression.
Thank you.