Norway thanks the Czech delegation for presenting its national report.
We commend the amendment to the Education Act No 82/2015 on special educational needs, which came into effect 9/2016. Norway recommends continued focus and dedicated programs on inclusive education for all, also with regard to ending segregation of Roma children.
(We support the work of the Czech Public Defender of Rights (Ombudsman)). To ensure the rights of children, as a vulnerable group, we recommend establishing a separate Ombud particularly dedicated to the rights of children. (To safeguard the well-being of children, Norway has had an Ombudsman for Children since 1981).
We recognize efforts made to ensure gender equality, and support the Amendment to the Education Act No 178/2016 on preschool education, which calls for municipalities to guarantee childcare for all children over 2 years by September 2020. Norway recommends the implementation of this act and other measures to strengthen gender equality.
Thank you.
Advance Questions
- We have taken note of the “Government Strategy for Equality of Women and Men in the Czech Republic for 2014–2020”. What results can you see so far, particularly when it comes to increasing the number of women in leadership positions, reducing the gender salary gap, and helping women to remain in the workforce also after giving birth?