Mr. President
Norway commends Brazil’s efforts to protect and promote human rights since its previous UPR. These include reduction of poverty, combating slave labor and enhancing the rights of women as well as LHBT- persons. Moreover, in spite of recent years’ political and social turbulence in Brazil, institutions and social liberties have remained intact.
However, Norway continues to be concerned about the situation of indigenous peoples. In this regard we recommend that Brazil:
Ensure that indigenous peoples are protected from threats, attacks and forced evictions;
Advance with the agenda for the indigenous peoples’ right to free, prior and informed consent.
We are also concerned about the elevated degree of violence against human rights- and environmental defenders and the level of impunity for the perpetrators involved. We therefore recommend that Brazil:
Restore functionality of the National Program for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders.
Advance questions
1. The demand for land regulation and demarcation is continuously high, at the same time as land disputes have turned increasingly violent, directly affecting indigenous leaders and human rights defenders. Meanwhile, the governmental body responsible for carrying out indigenous land demarcations – FUNAI – has faced consecutive budget cuts. How is Brazil planning to speed up progress in regulation of indigenous lands?
2. Norway considers the elaboration of the UPR Report an important activity to secure dialogue and transparency between all sectors of government and society. How was Brazil’s report constructed, and how does the Brazilian government evaluate the level of participation process?