Advance questions and statement to Honduras

Advance questions

  1. What are the specific steps taken by the Honduran State to implement each of the recommendations made by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission and the alternative Truth Commission?
  2. What measures is the Honduran State taking to protect human rights defenders in the country and to enable them to carry out their work in safe and secure conditions? What are the specific steps taken by the Honduran State to implement each of the recommendations made by the Special Rapporteur on HRDs in her 2012 report?
  3. What are the specific steps taken by the Honduran State to implement each of the recommendations made by the Special Rapporteur on the promotion and protection of the right to freedom of opinion and expression in 2013? The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) reported that it had recorded 23 killings of journalists or media professionals between 2008 and 2013. What are the measures taken to investigate and punish the perpetrators of the killings of journalists? How many perpetrators have been convicted?
  4. What are the measures taken to ensure the full independence of the judiciary?
  5. What are the specific steps planned in order to demilitarize the Honduran society and return to a model where citizen security is managed exclusively by civilian police forces?
  6. What measures have the Honduran State taken to prevent gender-based violence and combat impunity and the lack of access to justice for victims of domestic violence and sexual assault?



Mr. President,

Norway congratulates Honduras for its efforts to bring national legislation in line with international obligations, such as the amendment of the Criminal Code to define the offences of torture and hate crimes, as well as the adoption of laws such as the Impeachment Act, the National Prison System Act and the new law on protection of human rights defenders and journalists.

Norway commends the elaboration of a “Public Policy and National Plan of Action on Human Rights” and we recommend that concrete measures are taken to implement the Public Policy and National Plan of Action on Human Rights, including the assigning of appropriate funding.

Furthermore, Norway recommends that measures are taken for the effective investigation, prosecution and punishment of hate crimes against LGBTI persons and women, including femicides, as well as crimes against human rights defenders, journalists, justice workers and campesino community members in Bajo Aguán.

Honduras Penal Code makes no exceptions to the general prohibition on the performance of abortion. The Code of Medical Ethics, however, allows abortion for therapeutic purposes. Norway recommends that the Penal Code be aligned with the Code of Medical Ethics and that Honduras considers to legalize abortion in case of rape or incest.

Norway is concerned about the Congress removal from office of four judges of the Constitutional Chamber of the Supreme Court of Justice. We recommend that effective measures are taken to strengthen and guarantee the independence and impartiality of the judiciary, including by adopting safeguards to prevent irregular dismissals and appointments. Furthermore, we recommend that Honduras elaborate a legal framework regarding disciplinary proceedings.

Norway is concerned about the continuing role and influence of the military in carrying out public security duties. Norway recommends that Honduras comply with the recommendations of the IACHR and the Commission for Truth and Reconciliation to ensure that security strategies promote prevention and are implemented by properly organized and trained civil police forces and not military force.