Advance questions:
1. The government of Norway welcomes the progress made by Lebanon since the last UPR cycle, including the adoption of the Law on Protection of Women and Family from Domestic Violence. How does Lebanon plan to ensure effective implementation of the law in a manner that protects women from all kinds of domestic violence?
2. The government of Norway is concerned with the unclear legal situation of Syrian refugees in Lebanon. We note that Syrian refugees lacking valid residence permits are not able to circulate freely, to pass checkpoints and are at risk of arbitrary arrest and detention. Would the government of Lebanon consider adopting a legal framework defining and protecting rights of refugees?
Mr President,
Norway welcomes the delegation from Lebanon. Firstly, we would like to recognize the huge efforts by Lebanon in accommodating refugees fleeing war in neighbouring Syria. The tolerance and hospitality shown is impressive.
We welcome important legislative improvements since the last UPR review, including laws to better protect women’s rights such as the Law on Violence Against Women. We recommend Lebanon to lift its reservation to Article 9 of CEDAW and allow women to pass the citizenship to their children.
Moreover, we recommend to develop a specific legal framework defining and protecting rights and freedoms of refugees and amend the 1962 Law on Entry and Exit with a view to de-penalise the illegal entry or presence of asylum-seekers and refugees registered by UNHCR.
Further, Norway recommends to decriminalise homosexuality and ensure non-discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity.
Finally, we recommend to replace the de facto moratorium with a de jure moratorium, to commute all death sentences, and to stay all executions.
We wish Lebanon good luck in the follow up to this UPR-review.
Thank you for your attention.