Recommendations to the Democratic Republic of Congo. (05.11.2024)


Statement Norway
on the Democratic Republic of Congo,
delivered by Ms. Sigrun S. HOLTER First Secretary, Permanent Representative of Norway in Geneva.

The Permanent Mission of Norway in Geneva.

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5 November 2024


Norway welcomes the [Democratic Republic of Congo’s] adoption of laws on Indigenous Peoples’ rights, on the protection of human rights defenders, and on the protection and reparation of survivors of conflict related sexual violence. However, we remain deeply concerned about the human rights situation.

Norway recommends that the Democratic Republic of Congo:

  1. Abolishes the death penalty and ratifies the Second Optional Protocol to ICCPR.

  2. Immediately ends the recruitment and use of children in armed conflicts and takes necessary steps to prevent conflict related sexual violence, and implement the national action plan on women, peace and security.

  3. Respects the right to freedom of expression, association and peaceful assembly, and ensures that the law on protection of human rights defenders complies with international human rights standards.

  4. Ensures access to justice for all, fair trials and compliance with international obligations on the treatment of prisoners.


 Thank you.