Review of Norway
4 November 2024
Statement delivered by Senior Adviser Marlis EICHHOLZ, Ministry of Justice and Public Security
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I thank Angola for giving us the opportunity to share with you Norway´s continuous process on improving prisoners access to mental healthcare, which are of high priority for the Government.
Inmates in Norwegian prisons have the same patient rights as the general population. This includes the right to health care services both in the specialist as well as in the municipal health service.
Studies show that most prisoners in Norway have some kind of mental health problem and/or personality disorder. Therefore an independent committee for Criminal reactions and Mental health was appointed by royal decree in June 2023.
This committee shall investigate the conditions and care of prisoners with serious mental disorders or developmental disabilities, during imprisonment and detention. The report will also include an evaluation of the care of patients who are unaccountable pursuant to the Penal Code, and who are committed to psychiatric care or care by court order. The committee shall submit its by 1 March 2025.
Norway has also initiated more concrete measures to improve the conditions for prisoners with mental health problems. Most importantly, a distinct unit within Ila prison called The National Reinforced Community Unit, has been established. The unit caters to prisoners subjected to prolonged exclusion from the general prisoner population due to aggravated or particular behaviour, providing them with meaningful companionship and activities. With an open-door policy, it encourages meaningful human interaction between prisoner and staff, fostering individual adaptation and heightened activity levels.
While the prison previously relied on municipal health services, the new unit has enhanced healthcare provision since May 2023 by staffing its own health personnel. A similar unit for women is being established at Telemark prison, and is planned operational from 2025.
Furthermore, 10 activation teams and 2 resource teams have been established in selected prisons in the last five years. Activation and resource teams are an essential tool in preventing isolation and the potential harmful effects of exclusion.
Each activation-team, consist of employees with diverse skills and experiences Collaboration with healthcare services is essential to the functioning of the activation teams. Resource teams are staffed by the healthcare services.
Thank you