Thank you Chair,
I am speaking on behalf of the Governments of Norway and Iceland.
Forced labour is always unacceptable, wherever and whenever it occurs. All member states are expected to do their utmost to eliminate forced labour in any form.
We are concerned about the situation for migrant workers from the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, as described in The Committee of Experts' report, including the information submitted by the Special Rapporteur of the United Nations on the recruitment arrangements in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, involving sending workers abroad. Based on the vulnerability described by the Special Rapporteur, we believe that all receiving countries must pay very close attention to the circumstances and conditions under which these workers work and live in their countries.
However, revealing the factual situation and identify those responsible by the labour inspection authorities, can often be very difficult. Promoting more transparency in supply chains is a key in this regard.
Forced labour is a serious violation of fundamental rights. Hence, receiving countries are strongly encouraged to take all needed measures in order to prevent forced labour in situations like this.
Thank you.