General Survey

Statement by the Government Representative of Norway, Ingrid Finsland

Thank you Chair,

I am speaking on behalf of the Government of Norway.

First, Norway supports the main points made by EU in their statement.

However, I have some additional remarks.

The General Survey deals with both the Promotional Framework Convention, and the sector specific conventions on construction, mining and agriculture, which are indeed sectors with considerable challenges. Especially this is the case in the construction sector.

Norway has recently ratified Convention 187. The ratification process has been quite time consuming, when it comes to transpose the wording of the convention to national circumstances.  A thorough assessment has been necessary in order to understand and clarify the implications of the convention. However, we consider the convention flexible in the sense of implementation, meaning that the member states have a wide margin of discretion. In our view, there are different ways of implementing Convention 187 correctly.

The sector specific conventions, on the other hand, are more technical and detailed.

When also taking into account that the OSH instruments suffer from low ratification, there are good reasons to consider whether a revision of the instruments is needed, in order to achieve their full potential.

In our view, the upcoming SRM session might be an appropriate occasion for this.

Thank you.