United Nations Human Rights Council
35th Special Session; The deteriorating human rights situation in the Islamic Republic of Iran, especially with respect to women and children
Nordic – Baltic Statement
Delivered by Permanent Representative Kirsti Kauppi
24 November 2022
Mr. President,
I have the honour to speak on behalf of the Nordic and Baltic countries. We welcome the convening of this Special Session.
During the past two months, we have witnessed so many brave Iranians, including women and girls, demanding their rights.
These peaceful protests have faced increasing repression and crackdown by the authorities. We are alarmed by the death of over 300 persons, among them more than 40 children. We strongly condemn the use of force against peaceful protesters.
We share the concern of the OHCHR and the UN Special Rapporteurs and urge Iran to immediately release the thousands of persons arrested for exercising their right to peaceful protest and to stop indicting individuals for doing so. The threat of applying capital punishment in relation to these demonstrations is alarming. We strongly oppose the use the death penalty at all times and in all circumstances.
Mr. President, many Iranians have chosen to defend the rights of women and girls in the country, after the death of Mahsa Amini in police custody. Iran must end the persistent discrimination against women and girls.
This Council has a duty to hold Iran accountable for violations of human rights. We need a mechanism to investigate these ongoing violations. Therefore, we strongly support the establishment of the Fact-Finding Mission, to complement the mandate of the Special Rapporteur. We support the resolution presented today and encourage all other member states to do so.
We expect Iran to fully cooperate with the Council’s mechanisms, including by granting the Special Rapporteur full and unhindered access to the country.
Finally, we firmly support Iranians courageously demanding the respect for human rights. People of Iran deserve hope for justice.
Thank you.