Item 2 - Annual report of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights and report of the Office of the High Commissioner and the Secretary-General. NB8 Denmark. 09.09.2024)

UN Human Rights Council 57th session.

 Interactive Dialogue with the Independent Investigative Mechanism for Myanmar.

Intervention by the Nordic Baltic States 

 9 September 2024

                                                                                     [Check against delivery]


I am honored to speak on behalf of the Nordic Baltic states.

We are extremely concerned about the escalation of conflict in Myanmar during the reporting period.

The investigations of the IIMM [double I-double M] demonstrate the severity of the crimes, related to inter alia:

  • indiscriminate or intentional attacks against and killings of civilians, including children;
  • torture and other abuses in detention, including sexual and gender based violence;
  • arbitrary detention and unfair trials;
  • violent suppression of protests.

Your report states that the Mechanism “possesses substantial evidence that a variety of war crimes and crimes against humanity have been committed”. This is extremely worrying.

It is important that the positive progress of investigation and evidence-gathering

obtained by the IIMM this past year continues. This is crucial and necessary for the Mechanism to achieve its ultimate goal: “To enable national and international authorities to deliver justice for the victims of serious international crimes committed in Myanmar”. We, Nordic-Baltic states, strongly support this goal.

Distinguished members,

How can we as States best help you to further deliver on your mandate?

Thank you.