Human Rights Council 57th session.
Items 3&5 - Interactive dialogue with the Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.
Joint Statement delivered by Australia.
Thank you, President,
I have the honour deliver this statement on behalf of Canada, Denmark, Finland, Guatemala, Mexico, New Zealand, Norway, the United States and Australia.
We thank the Expert Mechanism for its report and welcome the participation of Indigenous Peoples in today’s dialogue.
We share the Expert Mechanism’s concerns about the increase in reprisals against Indigenous human rights defenders and echo its call on States to ensure due protection for Indigenous leaders, including Indigenous women, and their communities from such reprisals. [based on para 39 of A/HRC/57/64]
Mr. President, we are deeply concerned by reports of reprisals against Indigenous Peoples for their participation in EMRIP and HRC meetings. No matter the form that a reprisal may take – be it harassment, surveillance, intimidation, arrest, denying entry to one’s home country, or listing Indigenous Peoples’ Organisations as terrorist organisations – we unequivocally condemn it, and reiterate our call for it to stop.
Article 18 of the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples states that “Indigenous Peoples have the right to participate in decision-making in matters which would affect their rights, through representatives chosen by themselves in accordance with their own procedures”.
It is imperative for the success of this forum that Indigenous Peoples may work safely, free from fear of reprisal, and continue to uphold the principles of the UN.
Thank you.