Human Rights Council – 55th session.
Interactive Dialogue with Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea.
18 March 2024
Co-sponsors Joint Statement
On behalf of [XX] co-sponsors of the DPRK resolution, I thank the Special Rapporteur for her sobering update and reiterate our support for her mandate.
Ten years ago, the Commission of Inquiry established by this Council concluded that the DPRK committed systematic and widespread human rights violations, that amounted to crimes against humanity.
Today, tragically, the Special Rapporteur’s report shows there has been little to no progress in the human rights situation, or towards accountability.
The Special Rapporteur continues to report systemic and gross human rights violations and abuses, ranging from torture, abductions, arbitrary detention in prison camps and inter-generational punishment, as well as the implementation of new laws restricting freedom of expression and other fundamental freedoms.
We remain disturbed by the Special Rapporteur’s findings with regard to widespread violations and abuses of the human rights of women and girls, including gender-based violence by the state.
We call on the DPRK to cooperate with the Special Rapporteur and allow the return of UN agencies, other international organisations and the diplomatic community.
Special Rapporteur, welcome your insights from consultations with victims/survivors on what accountability looks like to them to inform a more effective international response?