UN Human Rights Council
Panel discussion on countering religious hatred constituting incitement to discrimination, hostility or violence.
A Nordic-Baltic Statement delivered by H.E. Ambassador Heidi Schroderus-Fox, Permanent Representative of Finland.
8 March 2024
Mr. President,
I have the honour to deliver this statement on behalf on the Nordic-Baltic countries, Denmark, Estonia, Iceland, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Sweden and my own country Finland.
We strongly condemn any advocacy of national, racial, or religious hatred that constitutes incitement to discrimination, hostility, or violence and reject acts by individuals that only aim to provoke and divide our societies.
Much effort has been put into reaching a common understanding on the interpretation of article 20 of ICCPR, and its relation to freedom of expression. The Rabat six-part threshold test provides a useful tool for guidance.
We recall resolution 16/18 and the implementation of its eight action points. It provides a road map to address root causes to religious intolerance, through promoting the interrelated and mutually reinforcing rights to freedom of expression, freedom of religion or belief, and non-discrimination.
We need to revitalize the Istanbul process and exchange best practices and experiences from the Faith for Rights initiative.
We all need to work preventively to adopt and implement action plans and initiatives to counter national, racial, or religious hatred and to provide full protection of the rights of persons belonging to religious minorities in all countries.
Broad coalition building and an open, constructive, and respectful dialogue is indispensable for progress.
Thank you.