Human Rights Council – 55th session
Item 8 - Commemoration of International Day for Elimination of Racial Discrimination (GA res. 78/234).
Statement delivered by Iceland on behalf of the Nordic Baltic Countries.
27 March 2024
Mr. President,
I have the honor to speak on behalf of the Nordic Baltic countries.
We remain resolute in our commitment to combat all forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance, both at home and abroad.
Racial discrimination not only perpetuates systemic inequalities and social divisions where they exist, but also undermines the principle of human dignity.
While significant strides have been made to combat racial discrimination and intolerance, both remain a concern, including in our own countries. We must enhance our efforts to dismantle all forms of discrimination and intolerance and ardently pursue equality and justice for all.
We must recognize the experiences of those who face multiple and intersecting forms of discrimination and develop and implement targeted policy measures that address injustice through an intersectional and participatory approach.
There is strength in diversity; it enriches societies, promotes understanding, and facilitates innovation.
We must undertake concerted and collective efforts to ensure that future generations have equal opportunities to realize their utmost and fullest potential.
Together, we must strive towards a global society in which the human rights of every person are ensured and one in which we recognize that diversity is a cornerstone of progress and prosperity.
I thank you.