Human Rights Council 55th Session
Item 3 - Interactive Dialogue on the report of Special Rapporteur
on the Right to Food – Michael Fakhri.
Statement by Iceland on behalf of the Nordic-Baltic Countries.
7 March 2024
Mr. President,
I have the honour to deliver this statement on behalf of the Nordic-Baltic countries. We thank the Rapporteur for an informative report and his work on this important topic.
Climate change poses a severe threat to the marine ecosystem which has profound implications for human rights. We appreciate Mr. Fakhri’s focus on overfishing, the responsible management of marine resources and that States fulfil their human rights obligations despite the climate challenges facing the marine ecosystem.
Sustainable management of fisheries is not a choice, but a fundamental prerequisite to the right to food. Overfishing and the depletion of fishing stocks needs to be addressed in a collective manner through international agreements, such as the Agreement on Fisheries Subsidies. We need further targeted measures to realize the full potential of blue foods to help end malnutrition and build equitable and resilient food systems so we can fulfil the right to food for all.
Special Rapporteur,
In your view, what are the most prominent challenges that hinder efforts to minimize overfishing and promote a human-rights based approach in the global sustainable management of fisheries? Which measures are the most crucial for overcoming these barriers?
I thank you.