UN Human Rights Council 55th session.
Item 3 - Interactive Dialogue with the Special Rapporteur
on the sale, sexual exploitation and sexual abuse of children.
A Nordic-Baltic statement by H.E. Ambassador Bahtijors Hasans
Geneva, 5 March 2024
Thank you, Mister President,
I have the honour to deliver this statement on behalf of the Nordic-Baltic countries.
We thank the Special Rapporteur for presenting her latest report and the valuable recommendations for States and other stakeholders on protecting children from sexual abuse and exploitation in the entertainment industry.
We express great concern about increasing abuse of technologies and online space, thus jeopardizing children’s safety and privacy – a global emergency that requires an urgent efficient and coordinated response at national, regional and international levels. In this context, effective preventive and protective measures and access to justice and accountability are of utmost importance.
The Nordic-Baltic countries remain strongly committed to a zero-tolerance policy for sexual abuse and exploitation of children, and recognize that children affected by conflict, violence and forced displacement are particularly vulnerable. We urge States to strengthen legal frameworks, and we call on all stakeholders to foster cooperation to prevent and address the harmful effects of children’s sexual abuse and exploitation and to provide support to child victims and survivors, and their families.
Madam Special Rapporteur, what further steps could be taken to strengthen monitoring and reporting mechanisms at the international level to address sexual abuse and exploitation of children on social media and online entertainment platforms?
Thank you!